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We are excited to feature Matt this month! He’s a regular at our 6pm classes and one of the most humble people we work with. It hasn’t even been a full year with us and he’s got his eyes set on some big goals! (which you’ll see below!). He’s earned this recognition by doing the 2 most important things: get here consistently and scale more than you think. Show up enough to learn, scale enough to be able to keep showing up. It’s a balance and this guy is nailing it!

1. What were your goals when you started CrossFit?

My main goal was general fitness. I wanted to try a different way of working out. 

2. How long have you been at Free Will CrossFit?

10 months so far.

3. What is one health/fitness goal that you plan to achieve in the next 6 months?

Consistent pull ups! Also handstand walks (maybe)

4. What do you do for a living?

I’m a data scientist at Air Products

5. You have control of the music. What artists/songs will dominate the playlist?

I’m the wrong person to control the music (haha). More of the same works for me!

Sharing is caring!