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Adam has been in the conversation for Member of the Month for quite a while now. He came to us a runner and triathlete. Feeling like he’d taken that as far as he could, he was looking for something new. Although, he’s been an athlete all his life, this was a bit of a shake up for his fitness routine. From day 1 he’s been humble AND willing to take on challenges. It’s that last piece that earned him Member of the Month. He’s really stepped up his consistency and his strength is going through the roof! He was gracious enough to tell us a little more about himself. Check it out!

1. Why did you start CrossFit?

The reason I got into Crossfit was that I was looking to start getting some consistency and routine back into my training. I had competed in triathlons for about 15 years up to when the pandemic hit and races started to be canceled. I tried to maintain some training throughout that time but when there wasn’t a specific goal or race to train for my habits and motivation started to slip. I’ve always been interested in CrossFit because the workouts are varied, similar to my triathlon training, and I enjoy having someone lead/instruct the class every day.  With Freewill specifically being very convenient for my daily schedule, I decided to check it out.

2. What advice would you give yourself before starting CrossFit?

I would advise myself to learn more about recovery, pain reduction, and inflammation management from the start. I wish I would have had better knowledge of this during my triathlon days. I’ve been able to lock in what works for me over the past year with aches, pains and soreness and it has been a game changer.

3. What are your nutrition goals for the next 6 months?

I was never really into supplements until this past year. I started to incorporate a few here and there and I am very happy with the results. So over the next 6 months I would like to implement a few more that may compliment my training, recovery and overall life style. There’s always room to consume more produce, protein and water too. 

4. How do you feel about burpees? Don’t hold back

I absolutely love burpees! Its one of the best exercises I feel you can do. You’re getting a squat, push up and a jump all in one. You’re also getting the benefits of a cardio workout. Perfect way to get a sweat on anywhere you go and no equipment required. 

5. What are you reading or watching right now? Would you recommend it?

I’ve been reading Shoe Dog, the story on Phil Knight and how Nike was started. I have also really been into podcasts lately. Specifically Michael Chernow’s Kreatures of Habit and The Gabby Reece Show. Both podcasts are geared towards health/wellness with guests that share their journeys under that topic. I would definitely recommend these shows.

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